Thursday, November 13, 2008

Halloween '08

It was the year of the superheroes at our house, and still is. This is one of those childhood phases that we, as parents, enjoy as much as the kids. Seriously, can anyone really argue that Spider-Man is not cool?

Our friends, Tony Schott and Bob Bowling provided live musical entertainment. Thank you guys!

"The Red States"--they may have won the best costume election but they lost the general election something fierce. I hope that no one is bitter (about the costumes or the presidency). It's all good, people. Let's be happy. . .

. . .or I'll send my superheroes after you.

Certainly the most clever costume of the night "Vote for Change".


When the sun sets, the adults "trick or treat." From left to right, A Native American who came in search of getting her land back; Betty Ford, who was drunk when she walked in the door and has been ever since, McCain secret service--look at those legs, the left-wing extremist with many causes to protest against/for, Bulworth, a red state and Marilyn, for what political gathering would be complete without Marilyn? We had Sarah Palin look-a-likes in all forms, drunken senators, King George and, of course, the right wing fundamentalist to counter my own radical extremism. We hope that we made our point--that is, being extreme in any sense is not only dangerous but it is also really fun.

Halloween is always a fun time. Next year, we're hoping to rent out the Eastern State Penitentiary and have a big masquerade bash there. How amazing would that be?
Hope you all got loads and loads of candy!

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