Saturday, November 29, 2008

Quintessential Small Town, USA

We never would have predicted it but we just love being ordinary suburbanites, living in a close-knit historic town with only 12,000 people. A place where, on a Friday night just after Thanksgiving, you can walk down to the local library point, donate some canned goods and kick off the holiday season with a community tree lighting. Then you can parade down the quaint, tree-lined streets with hordes of your neighbors, led by Santa Claus and the marching band and watch your little Brownie Girl Scout become one of Santa's elves and hand out candy-canes.

We would never have imagined finding such fulfillment in a place where you can be serenaded by Christmas carolers while you eat dinner in your favorite little pizzeria. . .

. . .and then sung to by a Victorian quartet on the walk home.

But such is our life in small town, USA. And we love it.

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